Applications that work for getting work done
{Ps 8083} Productivity Suite applications put business problems before technology by leveraging the same core principles that power all of our solutions - flexibility, control, and scalability.
Business driven - Data centric
COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) solutions require your business to adjust to their software, and intentionally complicate both contracts and integrations.
Traditional custom software is a major investment - started from scratch and built to address the specific requirements and infrastructure of today - rarely considering enterprise business needs or data architecture.
{Ps8083} Productivity Suite is a metadata-driven development platform which allows users and business requirements to guide automated development. Custom productivity applications can be designed, deployed, and integrated in a fraction of the time and at significant cost savings vs. custom or COTS solutions.
Applications that work for getting work done
The {Ps 8083} Productivity Suite offers unparalleled flexibility and reliability. Our platform enables rapid custom application deployment - intentionally designed to deliver actionable analytics and seamless data integration. Over 70,000 business users get work done with us daily.